Wednesday, May 27, 2009

MindTouch is the best software on the planet.

Mindtouch dekiwiki is simply freaking amazing. I love it more than I love my own mother. Well, maybe not that much - my mom is pretty awesome. But it’s pretty darn close. The software is clean, fast, efficient, and you can access the community version for FREE!

A lot of people have been throwing out phrases like “document collaboration” and “collaborative workflow,” and it’s a bit hard to understand from a distance. But in a nutshell, all document collaboration is, is just a bunch of people working together on project.

Personally, I use Mindtouch at both home and the office. At home, for ultra-nerdy purposes, I use mindtouch to run a D&D campaign. All our character sheets, backstories, and so forth are placed in a central document location. At the office, all of our customer support, knowledge base, and important information are placed there on a server within our intranet.


Not only is it cool, but the staff kicks ass. The pricing is reasonable, they’re all open-source nerd-friendly junkies, and they’re really big on supporting their HUGE developer community. Check em out.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! Thanks for the MindTouch love! Keep up the great writing! -Sarah
