Wednesday, May 27, 2009

MindTouch is the best software on the planet.

Mindtouch dekiwiki is simply freaking amazing. I love it more than I love my own mother. Well, maybe not that much - my mom is pretty awesome. But it’s pretty darn close. The software is clean, fast, efficient, and you can access the community version for FREE!

A lot of people have been throwing out phrases like “document collaboration” and “collaborative workflow,” and it’s a bit hard to understand from a distance. But in a nutshell, all document collaboration is, is just a bunch of people working together on project.

Personally, I use Mindtouch at both home and the office. At home, for ultra-nerdy purposes, I use mindtouch to run a D&D campaign. All our character sheets, backstories, and so forth are placed in a central document location. At the office, all of our customer support, knowledge base, and important information are placed there on a server within our intranet.


Not only is it cool, but the staff kicks ass. The pricing is reasonable, they’re all open-source nerd-friendly junkies, and they’re really big on supporting their HUGE developer community. Check em out.


Monday, May 25, 2009

Terminator doesn't terminate

Instead it sends us warm, caring messages that machines are really just like us - human on the inside. 

The franchise sucks.

Friday, May 22, 2009

What’s with 2009 sucking balls?

Unless you’ve had your head in the sand for the past 5 months, you’ve probably noticed that 2009 has sucked some big, fat, hairy dick. We’re in a recession, we have a democrat for President, spending has gotten out of control and every single movie that has come to the box office has blown.

I’ve you’ve read other posts, I’ve actually gone on to describe some of these colossal pieces of failure in detail, so I’m not going to rehash that yet again. But I will go onto say that everything about this year is lame. Starting with the year. It’s an odd number. Odd numbers are gay. You know what else is gay? Barrack Obama. Watchmen was also FAIL.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Machine is cool sometimes

At least it contorts you in ways that you might like sometimes...

Friday, May 15, 2009

People that coined the term “reverse racism” are idiots.

There is no such thing as reverse racism. There’s racism. That’s it. The very idea of the term “reverse racism” is fucking racist. It implies that you can’t be a damned racist, unless you’re white. And  by that logic, since it's completely impossible for, say, a black person to be racist, “minorities” (another word that’s dripping with dumbass) must be reverse racist.

One of these days, people are going to wake up and realize that the best way to address racism is to just NOT BE RACIST. Don’t treat anybody special. Do not exclude anyone. Do not try to fix it by heavy handed measures, because all you’re going to do is make the cycle repeat itself. 

Wolverine is also gay

If you like Wolverine, you're homo. If you liked the Wolverine movie, then you're Perez Hilton.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

It wasn't just a shitpile, it was a shit dune.

I don't even know where to start on how bad the new Star Trek movie was. Perhaps it was the retarded notion of the opening sequences of James Kirk stealing a nearly 250 year old antique and driving if off a cliff for no apparent reason, or maybe it was the complete lack of sense employed with any of the barely visible plot. Or, just maybe, it was the ludicrous notion that a nearly expelled cadet could somehow be promoted to the rank of captain, before any of the current standing officers, by a half-cocked captain who saw the kid once take on four guys in a fight - and get his ass beat. 

People who like the new Star Trek movie are the sort of people that think it's a good idea to let people with associates degrees practice medicine. No matter how much you may want everybody to be involved, you just can't do it unless you're fucking smart enough to get it in the first place. 

Monday, May 11, 2009

Warcraft fights can be explained in two sentences

Do you ever noticed how if you're playing World of Warcraft and you go to a raid, there's always that one raid leader that thinks they're really good at explaining things, but usually loses your attention somewhere around the ninth piece of useless information. It usually sounds something like this:

"OK so in stage 1 he's going to come down and then we're going to DPS and make sure the tank doesn't overaggro, this means that mages and hunters need to watch out because ranged is really good on this fight. What you need to pay careful attention to are the sparks, because if they get to him they will cause him to enrage and he'll kill the raid. Now the fight comes in three stages and the important thing to know is that the second stage is the hard stage and the third stage is hard, too, bust mostly because you have to manage your pool of energy and make sure..."

I counter that the fights can all be explained in two sentences. Example, Malygos:

Sentence one.

"Pew pew a lot, shoot the sparks when the come, hop from purple bubble to purple bubble when they come too, but not to early."

Sentence two.

"Healers be ready to heal while you're in the air, and everybody watch your energy on the drakes, because you'll need to have energy for a shield at all times when he does his super attack."

Why does everyone have to make things so complicated?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Being old fails

I hate being old. And then again - I *LOVE IT*

Fucking dumbass, scum-sucking little shit whipper-snappers.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Minute-Clinics Rock

For the most part, American Medicine is a fucking joke.

This morning, after returning from a trip to visit my cousin in Columbus, I woke up to feel a distinct soreness in the back of my throat. Just by cooincidance, I'd just had to leave his place due to him having strep throat and not feeling well enough to entertain guests. So - three guesses as to what I condition I may have had. 

So, I realize at this point:

"Ok, great. I need an antibiotic. This means I'm going to have to schedule a doctor's appointment, go to the doctor, do a bunch of unnecessary tests like a urinalysis and blood test, then listen to how oveweight I am and how I should attend his overpriced therapy session regarding weight loss that I've never ever heard before."

Oh, and by the way, this will all be mine for the low, low price of around $300 for the visit, lab work, and prescription. 

Instead, I went into a CVS Minute-Clinic and was seated instantly. The nurse did the test right in front of my face and it took five minutes. The prescription was ready for me before I left her office - and they took my insurance. 

If you're don't use a minute-clinic, you're retarded.